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The Final Leg and a New Journey

And so, the end is near…And all that.
Yes, Keepers of the Fire is just about done now.  It is still being read through by some of those that do that sort of thing for me, but by and large, it is good to go.  I just need to to finish my last run through then implement the various corrections and minor changes I have highlighted and then renumber all the chapters after my shuffling of them (had to do this FAR too often – must look to finding an automated method for this next time).
So, all things being equal, book 2 of the Keepers Trilogy should be out for you lovely people to buy within the month!  Woot!

Which brings me to my second point: what’s next?
The obvious answer would be that I settle down and get The Keepers of the Truth written and finish off the trilogy, but while that book is taking up a sizeable chunk of my brain right now, I think I need a change of pace.

I’m still very much learning and growing as a writer and so I think, if only to keep myself fresh, I will write something different next before returning to polish off the trilogy.  At the moment I am working on a screenplay (probably just for the experience of it, I don’t really see myself pitching a TV show to anyone) and I am also finding myself drawn to another story of mine I had a crack at a few years ago.

Whatever happens, I assure you all that The Keepers of the Truth will get written, and that particular adventure will get the conclusion it deserves.

Mind you, none of you have read book 2 yet, so who knows?  Maybe you wont want any more? =)

Categories: Writing
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