
Posts Tagged ‘Inspiration’

Musical Inspiration

September 14, 2015 2 comments

A lot of people have asked me a lot of questions about writing, most of which I do not have the answers to as I am still very much learning about this myself, but “where do stories come?” from and “how do you get them on the page?” are the most common two. The answer to the first is: no clue. You either have stories in you or you don’t, and if you do, you HAVE to get them out; its not optional. As to how you get them on the page, well, largely you just go for it, get it horribly wrong, sink into despair, drink your way out and start all over again. Whilst doing this though, I found it very helpful to gather together a collection of music tracks that would become my soundtrack for what I was working on at the time. These didn’t give me inspiration or help me generate ideas, but they do let me keep focus, keep in the mood a given chapter needs or keep in the mindset of a character.

To that end, I have playlists set up for both books I have written (and one for the screenplay) and ones for each thing I am planning to write in the future.  I shared the playlist for The Keepers of the Fire with a friend and he found it interesting, so I thought others might too.

Be warned: my taste in music is very broad so there is a right mixed old bag of stuff here. Also, while I will avoid spoilers wherever possible, I have given some indication as to what each song means and I cannot promise that said comments won’t provide hints (nothing major though: I swear!).

The Keepers of the Key

(Spotify Playlist Link)

Warrior’s Dance – The Prodigy

This track, particularly the opening phrase, became the theme song for J and Amélien. Whenever either of those characters are about to do something, or even when they just “come into shot” I hear this music in my head. It is especially poignant at the end of the book when J is confronting a certain something in a carpark…)

Mechanize – Fear Factory

WARNING! LOUD TRACK! Chapter 65. The docks at Dover =)

Bells For Her – Tori Amos


A Warm Place – Nine Inch Nails

Dowd, in the snow…

Omen – The Prodigy

Uriel and the Fury.

Flavour – Tori Amos

The end, looking out through that window…

The Keepers of the Fire

(Spotify Playlist Link)

Citizen of the Planet – Alanis Morissette

Rock-climbing, and any time you see her afterwards.

Warrior’s Dance – The Prodigy

Same reasons as book 1 =)

Love the Way You Lie – Eminem, Rhianna

This is…odd, frankly, and shows how books change as you write them. It was originally in my head as a symbol of the tempestuousness between B and N when they lived in A (this will make sense when you get there!) but the relationship never really went that way. The song stuck, however.

Icarus – Michael McCann

B and the mountain =)

Tomorrow – Ozzy Osbourne

This…this is a joke. See if you can work it out (it’s not hard).

Spitfire – The Prodigy

Feiyan (not a spoiler, as you will have no clue who they are till you meet them).

Let You Go – Chase & Status

J takes a walk…downwards =)

Tonight – Skold

Legion being shown some birds and bees.

Then the Quiet Explosion – Hammock

The consequences of being Alexander…

The End of the World – God Forbid


The end of all things…

Far From Home – Five Finger Death Punch

An expression of alienation and loss, that can only have been felt by three specific characters in the book.

Gimme Shelter – The Rolling Stones

J and Mike take a drive.

Johns Walk – Jamin Winans

J makes a choice. (I know this is from a film, but in my head, it fits perfectly.)

Born To Die – Lana Del Rey

“The lie is enough…”

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