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Missing Post One

Well, bless Keep for maintaining a backup of itself – I found the two posts I thought I had lost, so, in the interests of looking like I am doing something, I shall post them:

So, my last post was a little cryptic and…scary, I guess?  Sorry about that, and sorry for the lack of updates (and the lack of a Book 2, come to that!).  Essentially a whole host of things happened at once, starting with me moving across country and losing a couple of months to general unpacking, building flat-pack furniture and persuading Amazon to stop sending all my bloody parcels to Sheffield (!), but was then made infinitely more complex by me, about 4 months after we moved, suddenly having attacks of simply indescribable pain.

Much to-ing and fro-ing ensued to doctors and hospitals and eventually, a minuscule 10 months later, they diagnosed me as having, as the specialist put it, “a whole shit load” of gallstones in my chest.  The little blighters were so numerous that they were essentially popping out every few weeks and, just to keep my attention, one of them decided to get lodged and give me an infected bile-duct.

I was not having fun.

In the end though, the offending organ was removed with extreme prejudice and, aside from some bloody sore points on my chest were a knife-wielding maniac had his way with me, I am all good.  Writing picked up once I was out of the worst of it, and I am making good headway to be back on track with Book 2.  Will let you know more as it develops!

(Note – as stated, this is an OLD post that got lost.  Book 2 is now done and in editing: don’t panic!)

Categories: Writing
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